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Recently I’ve been reading “The Call” by Os Guinness, which is somewhat of a modern classic on the concept of Christian calling. In one segment, he talks about what leads to sloth and inactivity, and writes the following; “Loss of faith in God, and therefore in eternity and immortality, leads inexorably to an erosion of vitality in life itself. Max Weber wrote of the secularizing of the modern world as disenchantment.”

Every once in a while I get asked by CBCers if there are areas that need more help and service. I always love that question and the heart it demonstrates. Often, I’m not as ready for the question as I probably should be.

Sunday begins a new round of Sunday School classes, each lasting six weeks (until Easter). Here’s a quick summary of each class!

Recently, there has been a little bit of a stir online in the Christian sphere, sparked by pastor Alistair Begg (whom I love and admire). He was asked a pastoral question by a grandmother as to whether or not she should attend the wedding of her gay grandchild.

Each chapter in John naturally holds a great deal of compelling material, and you could spend a great deal of time meditating on any given section or teaching of Jesus. This week, in studying John 4, one line that particularly captivated me was verse 14; “Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

I listen to a lot of music while studying and working – I find it helps me stay focused. While I was reading and studying John 3, an interesting (and tragic) song happened to pop up on my playlist.

Last week Pastor Shaun and I traveled to Phoenix for a “vision summit” for our denomination (thanks for allowing us the opportunity).

As we saw last week, Jesus invites people to follow Him. There is power in simple invitation. Come and see. Come and follow. That was the thought behind “Visitor Sundays,” in which we encouraged you to invite visitors on the first day of the month.

This Sunday we start our next round of adult Sunday School classes. All around, I’ve greatly enjoyed our classes this year, and think we have benefited greatly from our new basement and the additional classroom spaces.

This upcoming week begins a new year, and with it a new sermon series through John. Along with that new sermon series, we will have a (not that) new focus – discipleship.