The mission of CBC children's ministry is to point children to Christ in an age-appropriate, nurturing environment. We consciously and intentionally provide biblical support for parents in the spiritual formation of their children. 

The CBC nursery offers childcare for infants through age 3 during Sunday School and the Worship Service. Knowing their children are well cared for, parents can fully participate in Sunday morning activities. Children’s Church is offered during the Worship Service for ages 3 through Kindergarten. Children are dismissed from the Worship Service just before the sermon begins. We use The Gospel Project curriculum, which includes age-appropriate Bible stories and activities to point children to Christ and the Gospel. Children are taught by caring adults. 

CBC also offers Awana! For more information on Awana, click here

Have a specific question or want to learn more? Feel free to send an email to Kris Gerbrandt. We look forward to serving your whole family!

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6