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I write this from Washington state as I participate in board meetings for Multiply (our denomination’s missions agency). The board has been processing some potential strategic shifts in how Multiply interacts with and serves its missionaries and international partners around the world.

I’ve been excited for the upcoming women’s conference. Maybe that excitement is partially because I will have the kids to myself for a few days while my wife is away, which means meals of pizza and chicken nuggets. Dad time can be fun!

I saw this quote the other day, regarding the eclipse; “Eclipse Reminder - Earth is the only planet that we know of that has a perfect solar eclipse, since our moon happens to be about the exact same size as our sun when seen from the surface. As far as we know this is a coincidence, and about a one in a trillion bit of luck.”

Recently I read these provoking words in Os Guiness’ The Call, which was written in 1999, about 25 years ago. I wonder if he would still say the same thing today, or say it in the same way (or even say it more strongly)? I’d be curious to hear his thoughts in today’s cultural climate. What do you think of what he wrote?