What can you tell about a person from their the vehicle they drive? Often not much. But if someone’s primary vehicle is a 15-passenger van, you may safely assume they have a large family. If they drive a flashy, red, expensive sports car, you might assume they have some disposable income and a taste for adrenaline (and speeding tickets). What Jesus rode into Jerusalem said everything about Him and His mission. Riding on a donkey was an intentional fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9-10, which prophesied that the coming Messiah King of Israel would come in humility and make peace. That fits with Jesus mission and ultimate act of humility – dying a shameful death for our sins. Through this humble death Jesus made peace, and all sinners who believe in Jesus can have peace with God through Him. This is why Jesus repeats in the book of John that He did not come to bring judgment. That wasn’t His mission – and the donkey showed it. However, when He returns, Jesus’ ride will be very different. At lunch on Sunday I asked my children what animal Jesus rode on, expecting them to answer “a donkey.” But one of them responded “a white horse.” Though unexpected, it was a correct answer. They were just thinking of Jesus’ ride from Revelation 19 – a vision of Jesus riding a white horse. What does it symbolize? Revelation 19:11 tells us; “With justice He judges and wages war.” That’s the difference between a humble donkey and a white war horse. It’s the difference between Jesus’ first advent and His second. It’s the difference between humble sacrifice to bring peace, and power and justice to bring judgment on sin. Jesus didn’t bring judgment in His first advent. He will in His second. So we are called to trust in Jesus who brings peace, lest we face Him when He brings judgment. The ride tells you everything.

Writer Profile - Aaron Halvorsen