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What can you tell about a person from their the vehicle they drive? Often not much. But if someone’s primary vehicle is a 15-passenger van, you may safely assume they have a large family. If they drive a flashy, red, expensive sports car, you might assume they have some disposable income and a taste for adrenaline (and speeding tickets). What Jesus rode into Jerusalem said everything about Him and His mission.

Next Sunday of course is Easter. While every day and every Sunday should is transformed by the truth that our Lord lives and reigns, we set aside this particular Sunday to focus on the resurrection. And we know it is one Sunday that many will attend and participate in worship. How can we best prepare and be hospitable on Easter Sunday?

I’ve said often that one of my least favorite necessary tasks is review and assessment. When I worked as an administrative assistant for a seminary, I was generally annoyed by the academic review processes required by academic institutions. I think my distaste may be because I generally want to look forward, not backward.

At Sunday’s Family Gathering, we tried to give a good perspective on all of the ministries going on at CBC, and what they are currently doing, and how you can be involved. I also put forth the question I want all CBCers to consider, which is “What is my ministry, and how can CBC leadership help?”