At Sunday’s Family Gathering, we tried to give a good perspective on all of the ministries going on at CBC, and what they are currently doing, and how you can be involved. I also put forth the question I want all CBCers to consider, which is “What is my ministry, and how can CBC leadership help?” We want to come alongside you, and part of our calling (as elders most specifically) is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. A lot of information was shared about various ministries, which was the primary purpose. However, we didn’t leave a lot of time for in-depth questions, and I suspect many didn’t want to ask questions because they didn’t want to delay the meeting further into the evening. However, I know many have questions about CBC – just as I do! So, for the purpose of furthering conversation, I wanted to put forward the questions I’d be asking, if I were not a pastor of CBC – along with a very brief and very incomplete response! Those questions are:

  • With Josh and MJ Lewis looking to be sent to North Africa in the fall, who will lead Youth and Missions? Good question – let’s be in prayer about that! We’re evaluating options now, and trust the Lord will bring the right leadership and approach for those ministries, all while we feel the loss of Josh and MJ and celebrate their sending.
  • While we are financially healthy and stable, giving is still under budget, and we will soon more greatly feel the pinch of the building loan. How will we address that? Good questions – let’s be in prayer about that! And we’ll have to be thoughtful as we approach our next budget cycle (which begins in August).
  • Do we have more specific details about the church plant? Good question – let’s be in prayer about that! More specifically, Shaun LePage and I will be leading church plant vision and strategy meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, at 4pm. At those meetings, we will work through our vision and strategy for how we are going to accomplish discipleship, evangelism, and planting at CBC. Any are welcome and invited to join us. And from those, I would anticipate more concrete details to come in the months ahead.

I could list more. What questions do you have for ongoing prayer and discussion?

Writer Profile - Aaron Halvorsen