This Sunday we start our next round of adult Sunday School classes. All around, I’ve greatly enjoyed our classes this year, and think we have benefited greatly from our new basement and the additional classroom spaces. We have been greatly blessed. I think we will be blessed again by these classes.

“How to Study the Bible” will be taught by Cole Younger. The title is self-explanatory – this class will help you if you want to sharpen your ability to read, understand, and apply Scripture. Cole will be using Living By the Book by Howard and William Hendricks, a classic guide on reading the Bible. I know this is a great passion for Cole, and know it will be helpful to all who participate.

“Galatians” will be taught by Dave Lewis. Again, the title is pretty self-explanatory! This class will survey through the book of Galatians, which is a theologically rich and challenging book in more ways than one. At the heart of it all is what it means to live by the gospel and not by the law. If you want to more fully understand the grace of the gospel, this class should be a great encouragement.

“Reading John Together” will be taught by Shaun LePage. I am excited for this class, as it will coincide with our approach to the sermon series on John. The purpose of this class is to give encouragement and coaching in how to lead one-on-one Bible studies for discipleship and/or evangelism. This class will also be beneficial if you simply want to dive deeper into the book of John each week!

Which class sounds interesting to you? Are there other classes you’d like to see offered? Let us know!

Writer Profile - Aaron Halvorsen