Every once in a while I get asked by CBCers if there are areas that need more help and service. I always love that question and the heart it demonstrates. Often, I’m not as ready for the question as I probably should be. The standard joke is that there is always need for volunteers in kids ministry, so we assume everyone is called to serve with kids! Obviously other help is needed. I think we are short on teachers for high school and middle school Sunday School. Missions team as well could use more invested people. I believe we could use a few people invested in technology ministries – particularly in the technology we use for worship. Pretty soon, there will be opportunities to invest in church planting strategy development and updating and reviewing our constitution and bylaws this summer. Maybe more than anything else, the church is always in need of those who will personally invest in and disciple others. There are areas of need and opportunity. And here would be my first request – join us at the Family Gathering on the evening of March 3rd! At that Family Gathering, many ministry leaders will give quick snapshots of the spheres in which they lead and serve. Come to that gathering with an open eye and ear as to how you might get involved, and I’m sure you will see opportunities to serve!

Writer Profile - Aaron Halvorsen