Elder Photo Labels-10

Family: My wife, Beth, and I have been blessed with six amazing kids (in reverse age order because the youngest is always last): Elijah, Mary, Lydia, Josiah, Abigail, and Hannah. 


Hobbies: Reading, movies, fishing, traveling, songwriting, guitar, podcasting ("Calvary Conversations").


Favorite Bible Verse: The New Testament and the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament.


Favorite Movie(s): Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and Up


Favorite Book: Reign of the Servant Kings by Dr. Joseph Dillow


Favorite Food(s): Popcorn, salmon, fried chicken, sausage omelettes, and peanut butter oatmeal no-bake cookies.


Other notable/fun facts: My wife and I met through a talent contest in 1987; I once played the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz; I played basketball for Missouri Southern in a previous century; the first ocean I ever swam in was the Adriatic Sea; my favorite card game is Shanghai Rummy; I hate coffee and I once met Jim Varney (a.k.a., Ernest P. Worrell).