“The primary action of the church in the world is the action of its members in their daily work.” This is a quote from Lesslie Newbigin. It’s interesting this quote comes from him in particular, as he was a British missiologist and missionary who spent much of ministerial career serving as a missionary in India. He lived his life devoted to missions. He picked up everything and moved across nations for the cause of the gospel. Yet he states that the primary way the church is effective is through its members over the course of their daily lives. I think this is absolutely true. I think this is how evangelism is primarily accomplished. Yes, there are times for distinct and concerted efforts for gospel proclamation and evangelism. And yes, God sets aside leaders and people and with special gifting and empowering for special occasions of unusual bearing of gospel fruit. But for the most part, the way the gospel advances is through the “ordinary” members of the church, as they speak and display the truth of the gospel over the normal course of life. If our church is to be effective with the gospel, it won’t be because one or two leaders alone were fervent in evangelism. It will be because our church as a whole represents Christ well wherever we are. (And as we talked about from 1 Peter 4:15, we will need the Lord’s guidance as to how to do this boldly and yet without “meddling!”) I am reminded of how Jesus told His disciples that they would see “greater works than these.” His disciples would do more than even Jesus would accomplish, even seeing 3,000 converted in one day. More would be converted as the church both intentionally and organically spread out. The gospel was spread with them, more than it ever was with Jesus. Because, many people empowered by the Spirit are more fruitful than one man, even if that one man is Jesus Christ. So, my prayer is that we would be a people empowered by the Spirit to be a light for the gospel wherever we are. I don’t think this requires special training or classes (though such equipping doesn’t hurt). Rather, it requires all of us to be prayerful in the Spirit and asking the Lord how we might be useful for Him in the contexts He has already placed us. If we do this, I am confident we will bear gospel fruit.

Writer Profile - Aaron Halvorsen