Aaron began as a Pastor of Community Bible Church in February 2015. Aaron was raised in Spokane, WA and Las Vegas, NV, and earned his BS in Biology from Eastern Washington University in 2008. After serving as an intern with Campus Crusade for Christ in Seattle, WA, he attended Western Seminary in Portland, OR, where he earned his MDiv. In Portland, he was a charter member and pastoral apprentice of Trinity Church (Mennonite Brethren), where he eventually served as a lay elder. He also was employed by Western Seminary as an administrative assistant, serving several professors, degree programs, and ministries to the local church. During this time he met his wife, Maggie, and they had their first child, Norah. In late 2014, he accepted the call to serve as Lead Pastor of Community Bible Church in Olathe, KS. Since moving to Olathe, Aaron and Maggie have been blessed with four more children – Diana, Simon, Audrey, and Leo. Together they love serving the church and raising a family, and are continually recipients of God’s grace, mercy, kindness, patience, truth, and love.
Pastoral Areas: Preaching and Teaching | Elder and Staff Development | Adult Ministries
To contact Aaron, email ahalvorsen@cbckansas.org. |